Final Post

Vladimir Has Left the Building

This remarkable interview on Morning Joe with David Schizer, Dean of the Columbia Law School, recapitulates the last five years of my blogging life.

My tongue-in-cheek reaction:

Ladies and gentlemen, my work here is done.

Beginning at about 2:00:

  • President Obama has dithered over Keystone XL.
  • The benefits of well-regulated fracking far outweigh the risks.
  • The shale boom is greatly benefitting the states of North Dakota, Texas and Pennsylvania. New York opted to sit out this dance.
  • As a consequence of the domestic boom, oil imports are falling like a stone in a well.
  • The private sector, not the Federal government, deserves the credit for the new technology that makes all this possible. Risk taking entrepreneurs like Harold Hamm have fundamentally transformed the energy picture, answering a question our nation’s leaders have grappled with since 1973.
  • “Wind [energy] is approaching viability, but it is not something that we can rely on too heavily for a number of years…”
  • Scarborough: Due to the energy revolution, “there’s not going to be a viable economic model” for the continued development of alternative sources.

And Mika glowered throughout.

All of this to tell my readers that I am hanging up my blogging shoes. I plan to work in my house, work on my relationships, pet my dogs and start reading real books again.

Thank you for your interest, your comments and your suggestions. Best wishes, happy Thansgiving and may our God, the Creator of the Universe, bless you all.

Steve Maley
Formerly Known as Vladimir

Further reading: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

8 Responses to Final Post

  1. dennism says:

    Sad to see you go, bro.

  2. Paula Maley says:

    Happy to see him.

  3. Mark Green says:

    All the best as you move forward. Your expert voice will be missed.

  4. Nelson says:

    Great job, Vlad. I’ll miss it, but know you put a lot of time in and understand if you need a break. Don’t forget which nail you hang your shoes on.

  5. krista Hiles says:

    The best part of renewable energy sources are that they never run out of supply. Till the winds are blowing and sun is shining in the sky, you will reliably get the power to lightening your house. Many power plant mobilization companies are coming together for investing in renewable energy sector.

  6. You’ve finally arrived at the Final Understanding, Volodyah, the futility of the written word. Your work is not yet done, so enjoy your vacation. Take all the time you need. See you on the next page. Hoka heh!

  7. Ron Graham says:

    The reports of my demise are greatly eggagerrated. I am an ER doc in north Alabama and I am a grandfather with 2 grandkids married and come to Oklahoma once a year to visit my best friend Jerry Hoopert and my relatives.

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