
Born in Kansas, educated in Texas and Oklahoma, but Louisiana has become my home.

I’m second-generation oilfield trash.

I have a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma and have worked for upstream oil and gas companies, large, medium and small, during college and since graduation in 1978. Currently, I am VP – Operations for a small exploration and production company, with operations in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the inland waters and onshore South Louisiana.

For most of my career, my technical specialty was reservoir engineering, the branch of petroleum engineering that focuses on describing and quantifying what’s going on in the petroleum reservoir. Reservoir engineers are usually the guys who are most in tune with the economics of a venture, because the single most important piece of information about the value of an oil and gas well (or prospect) is the reserve estimate. We work a lot with the concepts of risk and probability and the time value of money. It helps to have a healthy appreciation for the science of geology.

In terms of credentials, I am a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma. That would qualify me to testify as an expert in my field. I am also a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, as well as several professional organizations. I served as Chairman of LAGCOE 2015.

The Obama Administration’s energy policies are were misinformed, malformed and wrongheaded.  They will damage our country and our collective prosperity. Our country’s energy industry thrived in spite of them. My blogging is inspired out of frustration with those policies and a commitment as a patriot and a citizen to defeat them.

Contact me at

s m a l e y 1 3 0 \ a t / g m a i l . c o m

but remove the blanks.

Edited October 2018.

6 Responses to About

  1. John Morris says:

    I was wondering if you could help me out a bit. I get a lot of questions from friends as to the reasons oil is so high and what Obama could do about it. I would like to be able to e-mail them a set of bullet points on what His Presidency has all ready done to increase that price and a short paragraph on his obvious reasons for wanting high energy costs. Not being an expert, I am reluctant to put one together myself. Any chance you could help me out???

  2. Pingback: Obama: ‘Drill Drill Drill won’t work. And you can thank Me that it did.’

  3. Carl Olson says:

    $4 gas is the result of the worldwide oil cartel, including OPEC and others.
    Here’s what the US can do to protect the American public.

    1. Require Iraq to start pumping more immediately. It is still producing at
    the Hussein level of 2003. Iraq’s reserves are near the top in the world.

    2. Require Iraq to stop using its membership in OPEC to skyrocket oil prices.

    As the ongoing occupying power in Iraq, the US has the power to direct ALL
    activities of the Iraq government, including its participation in OPEC.

    President Obama should issue the orders, and Congress should hold hearings. The
    price of gas was $1/gallon in March 2003 when the occupation started. It should
    go back there for the benefit of the American public.

    Carl Olson
    P. O. Box 6102
    Woodland Hills, CA 91365

  4. Amrit Naresh says:

    Hi Steve,

    I’m making a comment because I couldn’t find your email contact info anywhere on the site. But I’m writing you because I’m a New Orleans native now living in Berlin, and I’ve recently started blogging on oil, gas and energy industry issues across the globe. As a Louisiana native, my research has naturally brought me back to Louisiana, where as you know the energy industry plays a huge political and economic role.

    My question for you is this: would you be interested in re-posting on your website some of the Louisiana-specific blogs that I’ve written? It could be a great way for you to get some global perspective on the energy industry in Louisiana, and to raise local awareness of some of the issues I’ve written about — such as transparency, good governance and corruption. As I’m sure you understand, it’s important that we seek to make positive progress on these issues, and educating people by getting relevant material online is a great place to start. I’m not sure many Louisianians read my blog at http://openoil.net/, so it would be great for me to access local readers through a platform like yours. And as I said, I think the global perspective I bring could benefit your site as well.

    What do you think? You can check out the link below to see my latest blog on energy in Louisiana.


    Please let me know if this kind of material would have currency on the The Daily Kingfish; you can email me at amrit.naresh@openoil.net. I would be thrilled to collaborate with you online!

    Best regards and I look forward to hearing from you,


  5. Anne says:

    Steve- I am loving your blog! You make me wish I had gone to Patrick Henry instead of Paul Revere!! Keep this up…. You are a born screen play writer pretending to be an oiley!

    • Steve Maley says:

      My brother is the screenwriter of the family. My writing talent runs toward dirty limericks. If I have a second career in my future, it will probably be as a greeter at Wal-Mart.

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